“Love’s unyielding journey: a unique love story and the unexpected path to parenthood.vd

“I only showed that I could say yes, a story of some truths online.

So, we suffered the eyes, attacks, malicious comments from people saying that he didn’t love me, that he was with me for interest, that I was rich.

I went through this surgery.

Yes, it’s a bit crunchy in daily life.

With this, I start every good day with my followers.

The desire for water is sweaty for all of them when I look at myself in the mirror.

First and foremost, I find myself beautiful.

This problem, despite affecting the self-esteem, never made me accept it.

I always accepted myself.

My name is Karine Souza, I am 32 years old.

The problem I have is xeroderma pigmentosum.

It’s a rare disease, and it is caused by the sun.

I can’t be exposed to it. The sun should not emit any type of light that transmits rays, especially violet rays, right?

So I spend most of my time indoors, even when there is a need to adapt. As I grew over the years, even doctors couldn’t definitively say that I couldn’t expose myself to the sun.

Just a few spots, some on my face, here on my shoulder, from here to there.

They spread all over my body because of the sun.

Three years ago, I was diagnosed with this problem.

Yes, I have had more than 200 surgeries, all to remove skin lesions, all diagnosed with cancer.

These spots are one type of cancer, right?

No, there, then when I expose myself to the sun, nothing happens, I don’t feel anything.

However, in the future, these lesions appear, lesions that all have to be removed, have to be altered because they are cancer.

When I was younger, in childhood too, especially in school, I suffered a lot from prejudice, a lot of bullying.

Even today, when I go out on the street, I always see people whispering, speaking softly, looking with a different look, and I can’t stand it.

Not that I don’t want to go alone, but it was when I was surprised by this, right, it was when he arrived and showed me that I could indeed say yes, a story of some truths.

My name is Edmilson, I am 27 years old, I am Karine’s husband, and I work as a grill chef.

We have our own Burger place, we met through social media.

I found her life story very interesting and it caught my attention.

Okay, so I sent a friend request.

Started liking all her photos and such.

Then she returned. so, we started exchanging messages.

Said: we spent about five months just exchanging messages, didn’t even live here, lived in Rio de Janeiro.

She traveled, spent about three, four months there, then, at the end of this period she spent there, she had to return to her children.

Her life was here and mine was there, then, after a while, and I came to live here permanently, it’s been until today.

Ah, from the moment I came to live here with her, never, she, never.

I think she came to an appointment without me, like the same.

When I worked in some places for others, I was late, I’m always by her side.

Since the beginning of our relationship, we always talked about forming a family together, that’s clear at the moment, right?

Regarding having a child, it has always been a dream of mine, and when I met the girl that we started to get involved, I saw that she was the right person to give me our daughter.

We’ve been trying for several years.

Trying, trying, and it didn’t work, right, preventing, getting pregnant, but then we did the test.

I was feeling some symptoms, right, and we did the pregnancy test and it came positive, just like that, it really took us by surprise.

Today, I’m six months pregnant with a princess – her name is Zaia – and we’re saying:

A very happy moment, my health issue, my condition, and, if it doesn’t affect anything, my pregnancy.”

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