A discarded dog with bent legs, disabled and unwanted, is abandoned on the roadside near a tire repair shop-pvth

A discarded dog with bent legs, disabled and unwanted, is abandoned on the roadside near a tire repair shop-pvth

Tire repair employees Ozimar Queiroz and Lindomar Queiroz were shocked when they arrived early for work at the tire repair shop on Estrada do Belmont in Porto Velho’s North Zone in mid-February. This was due to an deserted dog on the side of the road. The mild creature was slim, had open paws, and was not able to move.

Sensitized by the canine’s plight, Ozimar, likewise called Galego, agreed to care for him until he could find someone to adopt him, however 20 days have gone and the dog still does not have a permanent home.

” They dumped him before the store. He was there when we came in the morning. We felt terrible for him, so we brought him here and are feeding him, but the poor animal is embeded this circumstance. He can not walk since his 2 front legs are turned back “, he claims.

The dog was fondly christened Seal due of its posture on the board, because it can not move because both paws are open.

The tire mechanics move him around a few times throughout the day, but the dog finally ends up dragging himself in the mud to connect with the only animal company available, a stray cat that wanders about the tire business.

According to Lindomar Queiroz, the canine is calm and looking for veterinary treatment, however he can not afford it.

” Because of his look, we nickname him a seal. He was quite underweight when we caught him, but he’s already coming to be plump since we’re feeding him. He’s dirty as a result of the rainfall, but we do not care “Lindomar exclaims.

The canine’s abandonment sparked outrage on social media, and Foca has currently been adopted by a couple from Porto Velho.

The tire repair employees who discovered the pit bull on the road looked after him for over three weeks, giving him with food and water. They called him “Foca” at first, after that Michele took him in and permanently changed his name.

” I fell in love at first sight. His predicament deeply moved me. Already defenseless, she becomes much more so since she is so submissive and affectionate. “I fell in love with him,” the business economics trainee discussed. “I love him. I go to a loss for words. I love him to pieces. Mother’s sentiment.”

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