Sweet Lullaby Nap: Dog, Cat, and Baby Snuggle Together in Adorable Scene - Heartwarming Bonding Moment!-long155

Sweet Lullaby Nap: Dog, Cat, and Baby Snuggle Together in Adorable Scene – Heartwarming Bonding Moment!-long155

Sweet Lullaby Nap: Dog, Cat, and Baby Snuggle Together in Adorable Scene – Heartwarming Bonding Moment!

Being a mom is a lot of hard work. You have to keep an eye on your child at all times, lest they get into trouble or hurt themselves. The same is true whether you’re a human mom or a dog mom, although dog moms don’t have to worry about going to work and paying bills, so there’s that.

Rosie was born to be a dog mom – I can tell. I have a knack for sniffing out dogs who want nothing more than a little pup to protect. But, since Rosie was spayed, she couldn’t have puppies of her own.

Fortunately, her humans stepped in and took care of that for her.

When Rosie first arrived at the house, her humans already had two cats – Juniper and Beech. Now, I know that dogs and cats have something of a sordid history, but in my experience, the two species can get along just fine as long as they both agree to some ground rules.

Anyway, Rosie immediately took to her feline roommates, and they responded in kind. All the critters loved spending time with each other, but the problem for Rosie was that Juniper and Beech never wanted to play. At least, not the way that she did.


That all changed when Rosie’s human gave birth to a little boy, Tyler.

I’ve seen plenty of dogs take care of their pups, but Rosie was practically attached to Tyler at the hip as soon as he got home from the hospital. She slept with him, watched over him, and I’m sure she even tried to feed him. Even though Tyler wasn’t biologically hers, she would protect him as if he was.

That’s the way it’s been for the last year or so, and I’m so happy for Rosie. Dogs like us don’t just need lots of love, but we need to be able to show our love as well. Here we can see how well Rosie has adjusted to her new home. Her paws are draped across Tyler, just as if she’s hugging him. Next to the pair are Juniper and Beech, who are a bit less snuggly, as you can see.

I can’t wait to see how Rosie and Tyler grow up together. It makes me want a tiny human of my own. I wonder if I could convince my humans to get on that.

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