We found this dog with eyes full of blood, a distressing sight. With dedication and care, continued effort helped the dog successfully regain the sparkle in his eyes, a moving testament to resilience and healing capacity when accompanied by dedicated love and attention.-dubii

We found this dog with eyes full of blood, a distressing sight. With dedication and care, continued effort helped the dog successfully regain the sparkle in his eyes, a moving testament to resilience and healing capacity when accompanied by dedicated love and attention.-dubii


A passing vehicle observed the dog VioƖet and many other dogs chained with extremely thick metal chains that not only prevented the dogs from walking, but also harmed them.

Violet and the other five dogs were discovered on a property in New Mexico, where it is illegal to keep dogs chained when they are not under human control.

They sent the local county sheriff’s department to the property in an attempt to locate the developers, but it appeared that the dogs had been abandoned.

“She was surprised and is still a little apprehensive”, I addᴜ StelƖ.

Fortunately, the puppy is currently in good health and recovering from the emotional trauma, and will be eligible for adoption once his recovery is complete!

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