Un cachorro desesperado pide ayuda educadamente a desconocidos y su vida da un giro inesperado.dvh

When Amy Thran and her very good friend were on vacation, they expected to do some sightseeing and generally enjoy themselves. However, everything came to a halt when an adorable stray dog approached them pleading for help.

People often say that the best things come to you unexpectedly, and if you asked Amy, she would wholeheartedly agree.

After seeing how horrible his condition was, yet noticing his sweet and gentle nature towards everyone, they just couldn’t leave him there on the street.

In a matter of seconds, they decided to drop everything they were doing and help this adorable pooch as much as they could.

Rescuing Saved His Life

The pup, whom they decided to name Diego, was in horrible condition when they saw him on the street. He was extremely malnourished, suffered from mange, and had open wounds from dog fights on his ears and face. 

Just the thought of leaving him sick and alone was breaking their hearts. There was something about this dog that made them immediately want to help.

He came and politely asked for help, without which he surely wasn’t going to make it. 

woman petting the dog

They both, without even communicating to one another, sprang into action and contacted the local rescue shelter and veterinary hospital.

However, the shelter was already overwhelmed with the number of stray dogs and they simply didn’t have the means to keep him there. Thus, the ladies were presented with a decision:  

“The rescue agency, they were like: ‘Look, there’s not a place for him to go unless you commit to taking him back to the States’,” Amy told Cuddle Buddies.

Amy didn’t have to think twice – she quickly decided to adopt him and give him the life he truly deserved. 

desperate pup

But first, he needed to get healthy enough to be able to fly to his forever home. Amy and her friend sponsored all of his vet bills and even got him heartworm treatment.

“Despite Diego’s rough past on the streets he remains to be a friendly, happy dog whose only desire is to receive touch and love from humans,” the rescue agency wrote in their Facebook post.

After his treatment, Diego already looked like a completely different dog, full of energy and love.

Making A Difference

close-up photo of dog lying

Diego lived briefly with a vet until he was able to fly to Tennessee where a beautiful forever home waited for him.

He went from struggling to survive on the streets to living on the 100-acre farm in Tennessee. His life really took an unexpected turn, but it couldn’t have ended more beautifully.

“Once he finally got settled into the farm he just blossomed into being the fun personality that he is,” Amy said.

Diego gets to live with many other dogs and all different kinds of animals on the farm. He loves to greet everyone, play with his friends, and do ‘zoomies’ around the house.

“He’s just excited and grateful to be alive. The way he looks at you, you can just tell that he knows that we saved him and that this is the best life possible. He’s just my little buddy, he’s wherever I am and I feel like he’s always watching out for me,” Amy said.

When he needed help the most, Amy took a chance with him and decided to give him the opportunity to experience the best life, and Diego is surely forever grateful for it.

The world needs more people like Amy and her family, and maybe, just maybe, all dogs could get the opportunity to experience what Diego now has – a lifetime of happiness and love.

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