Toni Kroos Overcome with Emotion as Real Madrid Bids Farewell to Retiring Midfield Legend at Bernabeu DUY

Toni Kroos Overcome with Emotion as Real Madrid Bids Farewell to Retiring Midfield Legend at Bernabeu DUY

Bellingham needs to be closer to the goal; he is not Kroos’ successor, says Ancelotti.Ancelotti talked during a tearful evening.Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti handled media duties following a tearful evening in which Toni Kroos and his family bid the Santiago Bernabeu farewell for the last time in his career. Ancelotti spoke with the media following the game against Betis, discussing everything from how he would have to replace Kroos the following season. “No,” Ancelotti replied. Bellingham performs better the nearer the opponent goal, and Kroos is the only player with his qualities available. It has to be replaced in another method. We will have to adjust the upcoming season to the many qualities of our excellent, diverse midfielders.

Ancelotti on performing better without KroosDoing better what Kroos has done in this team is quite difficult. Though nobody could have predicted it, he has taken a really bold choice, and saying farewell in this way is wonderful. We were happy to have him here, and he is bidding farewell to a fantastic football persona. One outstanding player in football.

Ancelotti on Kroos’ farewell: “The Bernabéu has bid him the farewell he merits. Everybody has had a fantastic, really emotional evening. We are nevertheless fortunate enough to continue enjoying it for another week. Naturally, it has been among the largest. A superb character, modest ego, humble and always at the service of the team, and incredibly altruistic make this medium excellent. That you have it for ten years is quite fortunate.

A player who has done something remarkable for our club is being farewelled with tremendous respect. And it is the send-off he merits.

Ancelotti on if, like with Benzema, he will need to modify Kroos’ systemThe question is well-posed. You have to witness it on a technical level, and those of us here have to assume greater responsibility on an environmental level. With players that are more energetic yet have less playing time, we may imagine a more vertical game.

Regarding if this will be the XI against Dortmund, Ancelotti“I have a week to consider, and obviously there are still some questions. We will relish this moment till Friday, when we will be getting ready for another final where we will be concentrating on pushing ourselves to the utmost and winning.

On Modric, Vazquez, Nacho’s future, AncelottiThey are not my children, hence they don’t ask me. We honour their choices because they are so explicit about what they want to achieve. It is not our or their top concern right now.

About if training Kroos has been an honor, AncelottiNaturally so. Among the best; he ended his career at the top. And maybe we can hoist the Fifteenth on Saturday of next week.

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