The Unforgettable Bond: The Sacred First Moment When a Mother Holds Her Child in Her Arms, Creating a Lifelong Memory Filled with Love and Wonder. - giang

The Unforgettable Bond: The Sacred First Moment When a Mother Holds Her Child in Her Arms, Creating a Lifelong Memory Filled with Love and Wonder. – giang

had my unmedicated birth at home – as I had hoped for. Not only that, Sarelle Jolie was the prize at the end of it all. The best gift I have ever given myself.

I should also mention she was born at 1:11 am on February 11th. This number is very special to me as I was born on November 11th at 11 am on my mom’s birthday. So 1’s are magic to me!

But on day 4 past due, is when nature wanted to play its part. On Sunday February 9th at 12:30 am during the full moon, is when I woke up out of a dream that I was in a boat with water coming in from every side. When I opened my eyes I realized there was a leak in my PJ’s. I wasn’t sure what it was, but knew it didn’t pee myself.

Taking all this information in and absorbing the potential of my whole birth “plan” going sideways I was willing to do whatever it took to get things going naturally. So I spent the entire day doing all the natural labour inductions that I was doing the week before. Our doula even came over to support us and help kickstart my body naturally by doing acupressure.

I also reached out to Corinne at Brownroosts Baby & Rhea at Family Wellness Centre to help me out of desperation. Both offered me some great tips and encouragement. But the one induction that I hadn’t tried yet and knew was the most aggressive way “potentially” to get things started was using castor oil.

We called our doula Jess and filled her in and she also came over. They checked me and I was already 4 cm dilated. We could officially stay at home.

My home birth was happening!

Labouring on my side – far more painful then it looks!

Then I was lucky enough to be able to get into our birthing tub which was amazing..and relaxing but too relaxing it slowed me and the contractions down. So I was asked to get out at some point and continue labouring on land.

ahh pure bliss in the warm tub!

Then the midwives changed their tone of voice and basically told me that I had to get on my back and push this baby out fast. I learned later that the babies heart rate had dropped significantly by this point and they wanted it out stat!

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