The overwhelming calm today is draining my inner strength. 😔🎂 -long155

Unforgettable Charm: Meet the One-of-a-Kind Dog Seeking a Loving Companion.

According to SNARR Animal Rescue, Woody was attacked by another  dog when he was five weeks old, and he “had to self-medicate without veterinary attention.” After the owner tied and abandoned the dog outside, SNARR arrived and rescued Woody. Woody was left alone for six weeks, surviving on the kindness of neighbors who brought him food, until he was discovered and rescued by the SNARR.

Woody’s family had previously moved and left the dog behind, according to SNARR’s Facebook post. “We made the decision to remove him from this loveless environment.” Despite the dog’s distorted face, he was in good health. “Woody looks different from other dogs, but that doesn’t bother us; in fact, it makes us love him even more.”

His rescuers adore him for reasons other than his appearance. They quickly realize that Pit Bull has a big heart. When Woody arrived at his foster home, his adoptive mother was furious.

Jamie Bond’s adoptive mother claims “I had a fever the first day we got Woody,” she says, “and the dog sensed something was wrong and was always by my side.” He spent the entire afternoon with me on the couch. He has become a shadow of myself, ensuring that I am always safe and protected. Woody likes to curl up in bed and rub his head on my chest.”

Woody, who is now 8 months old, is likewise making up for lost “puppy” time and is a joy to be around. A cleft-nosed dog is looking for a forever home.

SNARR should arrange properly for anyone who want to adopt the dog because they want to find Woody the greatest home possible. “Woody, very cute, needs some love and work, he’s a bit of a hottie,” they wrote. He also needs a home without cats because he enjoys chasing them away. “We also believe it would grow best in a house with just females,” SNARR added.

He is currently being raised with four other heifers and is doing fantastically well. Woody gets along well with kids, but we believe that older dogs (over 10 years old) are preferable for him. He is not aggressive against anything or anyone, but he is a large dog who can grow angry and jumpy at times, therefore larger dogs are preferable.

Anyone interested in adopting Woody (and who meets the conditions) can fill out an application on the SNARR Northwest website.

Woody’s status has been updated: We have some sad news to give about Woody the dog. SNAAR is overjoyed to report that Woody has finally found a loving home after months of searching.

They shared images of Woody in his new home, happy with his new family and friends. We wish Woody the best with his new friends and are grateful to his new family.

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