The 10-year-old girl’s deformed face and roots grew due to the evil “tree man” disease

The pictures below depict the image of 10-year-old girl Shahana, from Bangladesh, who is struggling with the evil plant disease, a rare disease that causes her body to develop scales as hard as tree roots.

This strange syndrome has the scientific name EV for short, or is also known by its more common name: tree man disease.

The 10-year-old girl's deformed and sprouted face due to the evil tree-man disease - Photo 1.

Rough skin like tree roots has begun to grow on her chin, cheeks and ears.

In Shahana’s case, she started having symptoms when she was just 6 months old. Initially, it only appeared in a few areas of the body but then gradually spread to the nose, chin, cheekbones and ears.

The girl’s family comes from a remote village in northern Bangladesh. Currently, she is being treated at Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

However, despite her “different” appearance, Shahana said her classmates still happily play with her.

“I feel itchy on my face and knees every morning and evening,” she said.

EV is a strange and hereditary skin lesion syndrome. However, there is still no effective treatment for this condition.

The 10-year-old girl's deformed and sprouted face due to the evil tree-man disease - Photo 2.

I said I often feel itchy in the morning and evening.

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