Matteo DiMartino's Triumph Over Staggering Odds: Born with a Massive Chest and Arm Mass Comprising 50% of His Body Weight - Giang

Matteo DiMartino’s Triumph Over Staggering Odds: Born with a Massive Chest and Arm Mass Comprising 50% of His Body Weight – Giang

At just 13 weeks pregnant, Franco and Christina DiMartino received devastating news that no parent ever wants to hear—their unborn baby had a large cyst the size of his head, with only a 9% chance of survival until birth. Despite the daunting odds, they made the courageous decision to continue with the pregnancy, holding onto hope and faith in their hearts.

Their son, Matteo DiMartino, entered the world with an abnormally large mass spanning across his chest and left arm, comprising up to 50% of his body weight and weighing over 3 pounds. The months leading up to his birth were fraught with sleepless nights and endless worry for his parents.

Matteo’s condition stemmed from a rare type of Lymphatic Malformation—a complex network of micro and macro cysts filled with fluid that developed while he was still in the womb. This malformation caused his left arm to remain at a permanent 90-degree angle, restricted movement in his neck and head, and subjected him to recurring skin infections.

Despite the challenges, Matteo underwent a successful seven-hour surgery at just six months old to debulk and reconstruct the affected area, along with excising the chronic draining wound. Dr. Milton Warner, from Lenox Hill Hospital, expressed optimism about Matteo’s future, highlighting the significant progress made and the bright prospects ahead.

Post-surgery genetic testing revealed that Matteo harbored a rare mutation of the overgrowth gene, PIK3CA, associated with many cancers. However, the mass has since significantly decreased in size, with the draining portion of his malformation completely excised, reducing the risk of infection and allowing for full bodily function and mobility.

Matteo’s parents, Franco and Christina, are filled with gratitude for their son’s remarkable journey and the dedicated team of doctors who played a crucial role in his care. They hope that by sharing Matteo’s extraordinary story, they can raise awareness about Lymphatic Malformations and provide support to families facing similar challenges.

As Matteo continues to meet physical milestones and thrive, his parents find solace in his resilience and unwavering spirit. Despite lingering worries about the future, they are overwhelmed with love and pride for their son, whose journey serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for others facing adversity.

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