Loyal Dog Stays by Ailing Elephant’s Side at Thai Sanctuary-HoangGA

Loyal Dog Stays by Ailing Elephant’s Side at Thai Sanctuary-HoangGA

Pancake, a once-stray dog, has become a cherished member of Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary (BLES) in Thailand since her arrival three years ago.

Katherine Connor, the founder, and CEO of BLES, described Pancake as her “shadow” ever since she was brought to the sanctuary by a supporter.

Stray Dog %E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Brefuses To Be Separated From Its Elephant Friend For The Last Hour1
Source: Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary

BLES is known for rescuing elderly elephants who can no longer work, and its residents are familiar with the arrivals and departures of various animals.

A notable example from a couple of years ago was when an aged elephant named Sao Noi passed away, comforted by her friend, Boon Thong, an elephant who stroked her with her trunk.

Stray Dog %E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Brefuses To Be Separated From Its Elephant Friend For The Last Hour2
Source: Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary

Recently, it was Boon Thong’s turn to face her final moments. Pancake, sensing her illness, rushed to her side.

The dog has enjoyed the sanctuary’s tranquility, sharing a sense of unity with the other animals rescued by BLES. Pancake and Connor spent hours with Boon Thong, reminiscing about her life and bidding her farewell.

In her 60s, Boon Thong spent the last five years of her life at BLES after being rescued from a riding camp.

Stray Dog %E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Brefuses To Be Separated From Its Elephant Friend For The Last Hour3
Source: Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary
Stray Dog %E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Brefuses To Be Separated From Its Elephant Friend For The Last Hour4
Source: Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary

For nearly 30 years, she carried tourists on her back, which almost broke her. At the sanctuary, she finally experienced freedom, control over her life, and the ability to express herself.

Connor and Pancake stayed with Boon Thong for nine hours as she passed away. Pancake’s compassionate heart never left Boon Thong’s side until her final breath.

Boon Thong was buried on the sanctuary grounds, surrounded by fruit and flowers, and close to her old friends, including Sao Noi.

Stray Dog %E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Brefuses To Be Separated From Its Elephant Friend For The Last Hour5
Source: Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary
Stray Dog %E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Brefuses To Be Separated From Its Elephant Friend For The Last Hour6
Source: Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary
Stray Dog %E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Brefuses To Be Separated From Its Elephant Friend For The Last Hour7
Source: Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary
Stray Dog %E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Brefuses To Be Separated From Its Elephant Friend For The Last Hour8
Source: Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary

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