Heroic Firefighters Revive Lifeless Dog with Remarkable Mouth-to-Snout Resuscitation Amidst the Flames

Heroic Firefighters Revive Lifeless Dog with Remarkable Mouth-to-Snout Resuscitation Amidst the Flames

A firefighter saved a puppy that had been abandoned by its owner and took it to a shelter. A Santa Monica apartment complex caught fire last week. Firefighters discovered Nalu, a dog, unresponsive and not even breathing when they arrived.

In the midst of all the smoke and heat, I found him, firefighter Andrew Klein told KABC.

I reached out and immediately realized he was dead “explained the speaker.

Klein gave the puppy “mouth-to-snout” CPR before placing him in an oxygen mask. After around twenty minutes the dog resumed breathing on its own. He regained consciousness and began to move. He was eventually taken to a neighboring animal hospital by neighbors.

Nalu, a Bichon Frise/Shih Tzu mix, was unable to be saved after owner Crystal Lamirande discovered her apartment on fire when she got home. Lamirande reportedly lost everything in the fire, but, according to KABC, she has developed a new relationship with her local fire department.

Klein told KTLA, “That was pretty wonderful because I’ve been on a number of animal rescues that didn’t pan out the same way that Nalu’s tale did. ” I’ve worked on many similar animal rescues.

Without a question, having him back was a success for the entire team and the department “the team reported.

Firefighters put out the blaze in ten minutes without causing any injuries.

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