Heartbroken Mother Dog Repeatedly Digs Up Puppies' Grave, Displaying Unyielding Grief and Devotion.thaolv

Heartbroken Mother Dog Repeatedly Digs Up Puppies’ Grave, Displaying Unyielding Grief and Devotion.thaolv

In a heart-wrenching display of grief and devotion, a mother dog, unable to bear the separation from her puppies who tragically died during labor, continually digs up their grave, showcasing the depth of her sorrow and love.

A distressing video shows a devastated mother dog digging up her puppies’ graves and attempting to take them away. When the puppies were born with problems in Suzhou, Anhui Province, China, the tragedy occurred.

Mr Qin, the owner, claims that two puppies died during motherhood and that their buried carcasses were picked up “five or six times.”

In the first video, the dog is shown holding a dead puppy in her jaws while the owner pets her and finally attempts to remove the body from between her teeth.

In the second video, the mother is shown licking the carcasses of two puppies buried in a shallow grave after presumably digging up the soil to reach them.

The dog, who looks to be depressed and sobbing, reacts to loving touches from her owner.

In the third video, the dog is shown strolling along a road carrying one of the dead puppies in her teeth.

At the end of the video, Mr Qin removes the puppy from the dog and holds its limp corpse in his palm.

It is unknown if any further puppies survived the delivery.

Here is the video: (Warning: Watch with caution. Video contains images that may be upsetting.)

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