From suffering to triumph: a resilient dog overcomes a broken jaw and teeth and rediscovers joy with a radiant smile.-long155

From suffering to triumph: a resilient dog overcomes a broken jaw and teeth and rediscovers joy with a radiant smile.-long155

From suffering to triumph: a resilient dog overcomes a broken jaw and teeth and rediscovers joy with a radiant smile.

A stray dog with a damaged jaw had been living on the streets of a small town in India for several weeks. Despite her unkempt appearance, she was a friendly and affectionate dog who approached anyone who came near.

However, a concerned citizen noticed that the dog’s jaw hung crookedly and that one day she seemed to be in a lot of pain.

Further investigation revealed that the dog, named Pinky, had a fractured jaw. Pinky, a dog with a severely damaged jaw, is a testament to the dedication and hard work of these groups.

Pinky was living on the streets with her puppies when she was rescued by people who saw her injury and took her in. The poor dog clearly had pain, was bleeding from the mouth, and had difficulty breathing. She was transported to the RRSA India animal shelter, which quickly realized the severity of her condition and promptly took her to the doctor for treatment.

Despite her pain and discomfort, the mother dog remained exceptionally friendly and gentle. When the rescue team arrived, she wagged her tail and even kissed their hands as they tried to inspect her jaw. To preserve the mother’s life, the crew knew they had to act immediately.

The mother dog was gently lifted onto a stretcher and sent to the RRSA India animal hospital. She was given antibiotics to treat the infection and painkillers to alleviate her discomfort. The veterinarians decided that the best course of action would be to wire the dog’s jaw shut so that it could heal properly.

The dog remained in the animal hospital for many weeks, where she was closely monitored and given the care she needed to heal.

Pinky had been hit by a car and had several fractures in her jaw and teeth, according to X-rays. The wound was septic, and if left untreated, it would have killed her in a couple of weeks.

The veterinarian determined that the only alternative was to remove most of the lower jaw and the diseased teeth. Pinky underwent surgery and was cared for in a foster home.

Pinky’s recovery was long and difficult. She had to be partially fed through a tube for almost a month, but the love and care she received from shelter workers and her foster home helped her recover.

The dog’s jaw healed over time, and she was able to eat and drink regularly again. Her kind and affectionate behavior won over her adoptive family, who chose to adopt her permanently.

The dog was finally strong enough to be placed in a foster home, and that day came. She was adopted by a loving family with previous experience with special-needs dogs. They continued to care for her, providing her with the medications she needed and transporting her to vet follow-up appointments.

Today, the mother dog is doing well in her new home. She has a comfortable bed to sleep in, plenty of food to eat, and all the love and care she deserves. Her rescue story is a testament to the power of love and compassion and serves as a reminder that every animal deserves a second chance.

Pinky’s story is just one of the countless rescues that take place at RRSA India every day. These rescues would not be possible without the support of the community. The shelter relies on donations to provide medical care, food, and shelter to animals in need. Many animals, like Pinky, would be left to suffer and die on the streets if they were not provided with this support.

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