From Struggle to Strength: A 10-Year-Old's Empowering Journey Through Weight Challenges

From Struggle to Strength: A 10-Year-Old’s Empowering Journey Through Weight Challenges

Is, some things just happen and we do not have control over them

And we just have to accept them the way they are.

This is a 10 year old girl which is very difficult for each and everyone to believe.

She is living a life with a lot of weight that scares each and everyone that looks at her.

They all get shocked and imagine the kind of life that she must be going through right now.

This is her mother, who is a lot worried about her daughter’s life.

He is called Bosco

And he is the father to this child.

Both parents are so afraid about their daughter situation and they say that, according to what they have seen, they surely believe that their daughter won’t stop growing.

This young girl is called inosante, a french name that means an innocent person.

She says that she is 10 years old, but she does not like what is happening to her life, since she has never seen or even had anyone with this life before.

Her mother says that this is her first born and when she gave birth to her she looked no more and did not have this weight at all.

She says that innocente was born with two and a half kilograms and there was no problem at all after a few weeks their baby mysteriously started gaining weight.

They had no idea where it came from, since they were poor and couldn’t manage to give her a lot of food, and when it started becoming too much, they rushed her to the hospital.

She says that at only three months of age, inosanto was four kilograms heavy and at nine months she was 18 kilograms.

They wondered how this was possible, and the hospital they went to couldn’t manage giving her any kind of medication.

So they transferred her to another.

At the hospital they transferred them to.

Innosante was also examined, but unfortunately no disease was ever found and every test they carried out turned out negative.

They wondered what was happening to her.

They also transferred innosante to another hospital in the city.

They went to the city and upon reaching the hospital that they had been transferred to, they also found nothing wrong with their baby, and Bosco was told that all they could see was just excessive fats and he would be given medicine that would prevent this if he only paid 180 Us dollars.

He did not have this kind of money at all, so he carried his daughter and returned back to the village because there was no way that he could ever get such an amount of money.

The doctors told him that the only place that his daughter would be treated was only if they traveled to France.

This was a lot of money that they needed to travel, which he did not have.

He tried going to everyone he knew, asking them for financial help, since he needed at least 4 000 Us dollars for treatment and more for tickets and their accommodation, which he did not get, and after some time he gave up because no one ever helped him at all.

Inosante grew up.

She always wanted to go to school, just like other children.

It was very hard for her parents because they did not know how they could ever manage taking their daughter to school, but they decided to give it a try and see how it goes.

They had to make a special seat for her in class before school started, and when the seat was complete she was invited to school, of which made her so happy.

She became one of the most intelligent students in class because she managed to score 98 in the first semester.

Going to school was not easy at all for her, because school was a little bit far from home

And it is her father who always used to carry her on his back, take her to school and bring her home every day.

It was very tiresome, but he had nothing else to do, since he also wanted his daughter to go to school.

Bosco couldn’t do this for long, because carrying someone that was three times his weight was a lot to handle two times each and every day.

He was also experiencing a lot of pain and after some time he also gave up.

Since he could not do this anymore.

Innosante had to stay home because there was no way that she could ever go to school at all.

However much she wanted to, whoever wanted to see her always came home, because that’s where she always is: innocent.

I wanted to pray and get baptized, but since she could not walk to church, the priest came to see her at home, and this is where it all happened, and she was very happy about it.

When we talked to her, she said that she misses school a lot and wanted to visit it someday.

We got her where her school uniforms and she was carried to the car foreign.

Well, her father made the courage that they used to carry this young girl whenever they are going somewhere-

And this career is always held by not less than four people because of Innocent’s weight, it took a lot of energy to carry her up the hill.

We finally got there and she entered the car.

We were delighted to travel with her to school and when she got there she was very happy to get to school and see her friends again.

When she was done, she got into the car and we drove back home upon getting there.

Getting out of the car was not easy at all, because it takes a lot of energy for her to ever get out alone and she always needs help of a second party.

She was carried out, but since they live in a hilly area, her father puts her on his back and goes down one step after another, very carefully though.

She is very heavy and he has to be strong and holds a stick that helps him carry his daughter properly.

She hardly manages to walk a few steps and when she tries to stand it affects her legs, since they bend according to the weight applied on them by her heavy body, and when she is trying to walk it is too painful according to her.

They are requesting for help so that she can be taken abroad for treatment, because all local hospitals failed, and these funds will be donated via Gofundme, a link that is always in the description of each and every video and pinned in the top most comment by Afrimax English.


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