Dwayne Johnson’s Groundbreaking Vision For ‘The Smashing Machine’ Role After Epic Transformation Promises to Break His One Career Trend – dubi

Dwayne Johnson’s Groundbreaking Vision For ‘The Smashing Machine’ Role After Epic Transformation Promises to Break His One Career Trend – dubi


‘The Smashing Machine’ and how The Rock underwent a transformation he wouldn’t have accepted in his wildest dreams.

Whenever one hears Dwayne Johnson’s name, there are a lot of things that come to mind. Smashing villains left, right and center, taking on the unthinkable, and, occasionally, providing comic relief to a story. What you don’t associate him with are roles that receive critical acclaim, a performance that makes the critics sit up and take notice. But The Rock is looking to remedy that with his next movie, The Smashing Machine. 

The first look of The Smashing Machine has fans excited

The first look of director Benny Safdie’s The Smashing Machine has just dropped. And fans are finding it hard to come to grips with the massive transformation undergone by the 52-year-old for playing celebrated MMA fighter Mark Kerr. Many couldn’t even recognize him after taking a peek.

The Rock will be joined by the likes of Emily Blunt, who will be essaying the role of Dawn Staples, Kerr’s wife. This will witness the reunion of the duo after they joined hands for Jungle Cruise. While the Oppenheimer star is all set to add a new dimension to the flick, it is The Rock’s performance and transformation that has piqued the fans’ interest.

Dwayne Johnson has a lot of expectations from The Smashing Machine l Author: Henry Villarama Credits: Wikimedia Commons

Dwayne Johnson knows the potential that The Smashing Machine holds. The massive transformation he has undergone for the role is just a testament to his dedication. And he has known that for quite some time.

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