Bernedoodle Steals Hearts of 7 Million with Sweet Hug for Little Brother After School, Crafting a Heartwarming Moment Universally Adored.

He waits by the school bus every day for his favorite boy to arrive

This is the loveliest and prettiest scene to look forward to every day when you get home. This youngster has just returned from school. And it’s not just his mother who is waiting for him to return home. His loyal dog is also anxiously waiting for him.

The dog can be seen in the video watching from their front yard as his human sibling gets off the school bus and crosses the yard to get him. The dog spreads his legs because he appears to be running to meet his sibling halfway. But he didn’t sprint; instead, he walked.

Perhaps he wanted to stretch his legs after a hard day of racing and chasing his tail. His brother approaches him and welcomes him.

The dog subsequently does something that was most likely the reason for the leg extending. He raises himself to his back legs and embraces his brother. What a thoughtful gesture! In addition, the dog refused to let go.

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