Battle for Survival: Famished and Weary Mother Dog, Desperate and in Tears, Fights to Feed Her Puppy, Depicting a Heartbreaking Struggle Amidst Adversity. - giang

Battle for Survival: Famished and Weary Mother Dog, Desperate and in Tears, Fights to Feed Her Puppy, Depicting a Heartbreaking Struggle Amidst Adversity. – giang

The poor mother dog and her puppy were discovered so weary. They were very dehydrated and severely emaciated. They were a stray family and n…

The poor mother dog and her puppy were discovered so weary. They were very dehydrated and severely emaciated. They were a stray family and never had sufficient nourishment.

The poor mom was so frantic since she can’t feed her youngster. It’s incredibly dramatic and upsetting. A nice Samaritan stepped in and managed to help the poor family. She gave them some food then brought them to a vet.

The vet was astonished but she knew she can help them. She gave the mother IV fluid and tonic. The mother dog was so feeble, she could not even stand up. They require time and adequate nursing care for their rehabilitation.

They used to dwell in the shadow of the leftovers. But now this wonderful family will be cared for and adored for the rest of life. They have an excellent diet and their foster mom provides them what they need. They heal every day.

After only three months of diligent care, she is currently gaining weight and is healthy. Her puppy is likewise growing up in wonderful health. Thanks to Abrigo Animais Aumigos and everyone for making it possible.

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