hoanggioan - Fancy 4 News - Page 148 of 213

A street vendor generously shares his sole meal with a puppy nestled on his back.-HoangGA

A homeless puppy faces everyday challenges as he searches for a forever home with a family or individual who will love him unconditionally regardless of their financial…

A Heroic Rescue: Elephant Translocation Ensures Safety for All-HoangGA

In a daring operation focused on preserving the safety of humans and wildlife, a stranded elephant was at the heart of a successful rescue and release mission….

Moved to tears by the unwavering loyalty of a dog, who faithfully kneels beside his homeless owner each day, imploring assistance from those who pass by (VIDEO).

 As the sun bathed the road in its golden gleam, a homeless man sat against a near bench, his weathered face reflecting a continuance of rigors. By…

The dog, adopted from a shelter after over 390 days of waiting, smiles and falls asleep in the arms of its new owner, touching the hearts of millions.-HoangGA

In the world of animal rescue, every success story is a cause for celebration. These stories of hope, resilience, and love serve as a reminder of the…

Heartwarming Harmony: Elephants’ Affectionate Bonds with Dedicated Caretake.-HoangGA

Prepare to be touched by the extraordinary connection shared between a compassionate volunteer and three affectionate, four-ton Asian elephants. Watch the video at the end. A delightful…

The faithful dog protects his sleeping drunk owner in the middle of the street, not letting anyone come near, making bystanders admire him.-HoangGA

The show of unbreakable loyalty and devotion unfolds into a heart-warming story as a loyal dog watches over his drunken owner, who makes me fall asleep in…

When the nurse tightly held the paw of the dog in the shelter after 150 days of illness, emotions spread, bringing tears to many people. ‎-HoangGA

In the quiet confines of a shelter, a poignant and heartwarming scene unfolded when a compassionate nurse clasped the paw of a resilient dog who had endured…

Rescuing Injured Wild Elephants: A Tale of Hope and Recovery-HoangGA

In the vast wilderness, where the majestic giants known as elephants roam freely, there exists a constant battle for survival. Yet, amidst the challenges and threats that…

Today is my 9 year old birthday. No one wished me a happy birthday, not even my parents. Is there anything you can do to make me feel happy when I’m alone? ‎🥺😭-HoangGA

In a quiet сoгпeг of a comfy little home, a small, furry buddy named Buddy sat аɩoпe on his first birthday. The solar solid a heat, golden…

Today is my birthday but no one watches the video and comments saying “Happy Birthday”. I felt really sad and unimportant. Is there anything you can do to make me feel better? ‎🥺💔-HoangGA

Birthdays are supposed to be particular events full of pleasure, laughter, and heat needs, however there are occasions when issues don’t go as deliberate, and the day…