A Glimmer of Hope: Woman Breaks Down in Tears Beside Motionless Dog, Discovers Faint Twitch, Offering Potential for Revival - Giang

A Glimmer of Hope: Woman Breaks Down in Tears Beside Motionless Dog, Discovers Faint Twitch, Offering Potential for Revival – Giang

A poor dog was seen laying on the ground in a very cold day by a woman, who was going to work. The woman tried to help the dog by touching h…

A poor dog was seen laying on the ground in a very cold day by a woman, who was going to work. The woman tried to help the dog by touching her but it seemed that she was died as she did not move and her body was stiff and cold.

So, the woman was just very sad for the dog and she decided to continue her way to work as she was very late. But out of nowhere the dog moved. So, the woman directly took the dog to the nearest veterinary clinic in hopes they could save her.

The veterinarian was completely shocked when he saw the dog, who was named Varya, for the first time as her organs had started to shut down and her core temperature was very low.

So, they ran more tests on Varya to know if she had some other injuries, and they found that she had a fractured pelvis and a brain injury. She needed an immediate surgery in a bigger hospital, but at first she should be stabilized. Fortunately, with pain medication, blood transfusions, antibiotics, and IV fluids Varya finally woke up and she was stabilized.

Thankfully, she underwent a surgery but stayed for a few days in isolation in case of infection. Varya was clear to go home after a few weeks as the woman who found her decided to adopt her. She now looks like a brand-new dog! What a happy ending! Watch the video below.

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