Despite being rescued, the forlorn dog’s visage continues to bear the marks of agony as it gently weeps, tethered to a cage.

Dogs rescue team told us this story :

Rescue stray dogs and dogs from the dog meat market. Our resources are limited, and we can only rescue those who can be rescued first.

We have some rescue dogs that we keep in the rescue station, but there are too many dogs and we can’t keep them all, so we help some caring people adopt dogs, but only those who truly love dogs can do so; we will review the qualifications of caring people.

Because of the pain, this poor dog’s face has been squeezed into strips… so poor.

A leg is even folded out of the cage. We requested that the dealer first place the dog in a comfortable position.

Dog dealers don’t even think how it feels. He knows we’re there to save him, and he just let us hug.

This is the second dog we’ve rescued today. We don’t know what he went through, but he leaned cautiously on the car. It’s okay; everything will be fine.

One thing we can do is keep working hard to save the poor dog, but everyone can help by refusing to hurt or abandon dogs!

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