Nine Years of Neglect: An Abandoned Dog’s Last Ray of Hope in His Final Days-long155

Nine Years of Neglect: A Forsaken Dog’s Ray of Hope in Her Final Days

Josephine the dog, also known as “Pheenie,” was left behind after her owner was deported. She found refuge behind a shipping container in a junkyard, which offered her with the bare minimum of cover from the heat and rain. For 9 lonely years, she survived by eating leftovers and crumbs given at her by the townspeople. But time ultimately caught up with her.

As a result of the extended stress and neglect, Pheenie’s health had worsened by the time she was a senior dog. She’d been struck by a  truck and lost her right eye, as well as suffering from a spinal cord infection, deteriorating dental problems, a urinary tract infection, and many painful breast tumors.

This terrible film follows Hope For Paws volunteers as they try to help Pheenie from her lonely existence. Despite the difficulty of the procedure, Pheenie eventually recognized that someone had finally arrived to save her in her golden years. Her relief was evident as she embraced her saviors, a dejected expression on her face.

Pheenie was put in a permanent foster program to satisfy her rising medical demands. For 5 beautiful months, she enjoyed a joyful, pampered, and carefree life in her foster home’s huge farm until dying to old age. Despite her unfortunate life of scarcity and seclusion, Pheenie’s dying days were filled with overwhelming love. Rest in peace, Pheenie.

Watch Pheenie’s horrific rescue from the junkyard and her snug final days in foster care in the video below:

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