Clever Canine Utilizes Trampoline to Overcome Fence and Follow Owner to Work - Ingenious Dog Tactics Revealed-long155

Clever Canine Utilizes Trampoline to Overcome Fence and Follow Owner to Work – Ingenious Dog Tactics Revealed-long155

Clever Canine Utilizes Trampoline to Overcome Fence and Follow Owner to Work – Ingenious Dog Tactics Revealed

Thomas McCormack was puzzled when his dog, Paddy the Lab-Collie mix, unexpectedly followed him to the train station and jumped on the seat next to him.


Do dogs like jumping on trampolines?

It’s no secret that dogs love to play. From fetching a ball to chasing a Frisbee, they seem to enjoy every minute of it. So, it’s no surprise that many dog owners have wondered if their furry friend would enjoy playing on a trampoline.


While there’s no definitive answer, it seems that most dogs enjoy jumping on trampolines. They seem to get a kick out of the bouncing and flying through the air. Of course, as with anything, there are a few things to keep in mind when letting your dog play on a trampoline. First, be sure that the trampoline is sturdy and in good condition. You don’t want your dog to get hurt while playing. Second, make sure that there is someone around to supervise. Dogs can be unpredictable, and you don’t want them bouncing off the trampoline and into something else. Finally, be sure to have some treats on hand so that your dog can be rewarded for their fun!

Trampolines are a great way to exercise, and they’re also a lot of fun. It turns out that many dogs enjoy jumping on trampolines, and it’s a great way for them to get some extra exercise. Dogs who are afraid of heights or have back problems may not be able to jump as high as some of their canine pals, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the experience. In fact, many dogs find jumping on a trampoline to be an exhilarating experience. So if you’re looking for a fun activity for your dog, consider giving trampolining a try.

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