While filming in the vast desert, a crew stumbled upon two tiny puppies stranded in the scorching heat, and what they did next will surprise you.-dtht

Picture this: you are just minding your own business as usual and trying to focus on your work in a pretty big desert when something draws your attention.

It turned out to be two small puppies who couldn’t have been more than two months old. They are coming to you because they are hungry and need help, but what would we all do?

Well, while it may seem like a straightforward answer to some of us, the truth is that a lot of people would simply ignore them and move on with their day, and that is just tragic.

Doing something as simple as giving them a ride to a shelter, or even a phone call to rescue organizations would be more than enough to ensure that they get a new chance.

In this story, we will talk about filmmakers who found these two puppies in a desert and tried to figure out how they could help them.

A New Hope

two puppies in the deserttwo puppies in the desert
Source: The Dodo

When the kind people realized that the two puppies were likely hungry, they tried to get close to them in order to help out.

They were surprised to find out that they were very friendly and not scared of humans at all. One of them climbed into a woman’s lap and politely asked for cuddles. He was so adorable.

When thinking about what to do next, one of the filmmakers, Ramy, told The Dodo: “It was obvious that we had to take them in and help them the best way we could.

close-up photo of two puppiesclose-up photo of two puppies

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