Vinicius Junior shows off his impressive back tattoo in tribute to Pele, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Muhammad Ali after 8 hours in the artist’s chair

Vinicius Junior shows off his impressive back tattoo in tribute to Pele, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Muhammad Ali after 8 hours in the artist’s chair

Vinicius Junior, a young star for Real Madrid, shows off his beautiful back tattoo that honors Pele, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Muhammad Ali. He spent 8 hours getting the tattoo done.

Madrid Xtra on X: "The Fans Player of the Year winners since we began this page: • 2021: Karim Benzema • 2022: Karim Benzema 2023: Vinicius Jr" / X

Ginius Jr., a player for Real Madrid, got a full-back tattoo of Pele, Michael Jordan, and Kobe Bryant. It took him eight hours to do the whole back.

A picture of the famous boxer Muhammad Ali covers a lot of the Brazilian forward’s beautiful body art. The 2022 Champions League winner went to the US for the holidays. While Real is on winter break, he has been getting better at Santiago Bernabeu.

FootballJOE on X: "Real Madrid's Vinicius Junior with a new back tattoo depicting sporting legends Kobe Bryant, Pele, Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali with the word 'Mentality'" / X

While he was in the US for school, Vinicius met NBA stars like Giannis Antetokounmpo and LeBron James. He has also been to Los Angeles to see Ganga, a well-known tattoo artist.

“The Fans Player of the Year winners since we started this page:” Madrid Xtra on X • Karim Benzema in 2021 • Karim Benzema in 2022  Vinicius Jr. in 2023:” / X

He has worked with Steve Nash, Jake Paul, and LeBron before. He now works with new star Vinicius. The people from South America had to fly over 6,000 miles and wait eight hours to get their tattoos. It made a beautiful picture.

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