Today is supposed to be special, but without a single wish, it feels strangely empty. -dtht

A little dog managed to enjoy a new opportunity thanks to the kindness of a passer-by, who was moved by his situation and decided to call the corresponding authorities to give him all the help he needed.

The little dog was abandoned on a bridge in Vietnam, his previous owner tied him so tightly to the railing that he had no chance of escaping.

The little dog abandoned on a bridge got a second chance.


Afortunadamente, el puente está ubicado en una zona bastante transitada y fue visto a tiempo por un hombre que no dudó en pedir ayuda para lograr cambiar el infortunio en el que se encontraba el peludito.

Cuando el grupo de rescate llegó al lugar, era evidente la tristeza que sumergía a nuestro amigo canino, estaba cabizbajo y sin energía de luchar por su vida.

La mirada del perrito solo trasmitía tristeza y desolación.

No doubt his previous owner had left him somewhere far from home, so he was alone and completely disoriented.

Although it is unknown how long he was tied on the bridge, tolerating the strong sun and without food or water, his appearance indicated that at some point he was a household dog.

He was tied up with a hose that they improvised as a leash.

For this sweet little dog, it was a very drastic change to go from having everything to having nothing. Emotionally, he was very affected, so the rescuers had to implement several strategies to gain his trust.

Furthermore, his neck was surrounded by a hose that the person who abandoned him improvised as a leash, the pressure was hurting him, so it was necessary to free him as soon as possible.

One of the rescuers managed to gain his trust, freed him and fed him.

The little dog was immersed in not only physical but emotional pain due to everything he was going through, so the rescuers little by little worked to gain his trust.

One of them slowly approached and began to comfort him, although at first he was a little evasive, he ended up giving in to the caresses of his rescuer.

After a few minutes he ended up giving in to the care of his rescuer.

Once the little dog was freed from the railing, the rescuer managed to calm him down and managed to give him some treats.

The bond between the rescuer and the little dog had been formed, so soon the man gave him water and food to gain some strength.The sadness that was overwhelming the little dog was slowly disappearing, now he was in good hands and he knew it.

He loves getting massages and running through the green fields of the shelter.

Fue trasladado a las instalaciones del refugio, al llegar le realizaron todos los exámenes correspondientes, por suerte, no tenía grandes lesiones, solo la herida de su cuello pero recibió todo el tratamiento que necesitaba y en cuestión de días estaba completamente sano.

Esta adorable bola de pelos se adaptó rápidamente a su nuevo hogar por lo que dejó florecer su verdadera personalidad.

Un emotivo rescate que nos recuerda que ayudar a los peluditos más vulnerables es posible desde el amor y respeto que sentimos por ellos.

Entre campos verdes y en compañía de otros amiguitos de cuatro patitas, pasa sus días disfrutando de esta nueva y mejor oportunidad que la vida le ha dado.

Su cambio físico y emocional es notable, ahora solo le queda vivir rodeado de amor y disfrutando de su nueva vida.

Una nueva oportunidad donde amar es su única opción.

Nothing justifies the abandonment of a small animal, please ask for help before acting in such a decisive manner that will only cause often irreversible damage to the furry ones. Let’s remember that they are living beings, and someone, like a person, has feelings.

At Zooprendente we continue to support a world free of animal abuse, let’s support all those small and large organizations that ensure animal welfare.

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