Today is my birthday but it’s sad because my parents don’t want to raise me anymore – luantrum27

Suli woke with a wagging tail and a happy sigh. Today was her sixth birthday. Six years of endless joy, belly rubs, and the comforting rhythm of her human family. She stretched luxuriously, her body still warm from sleep. The world was a bright, happy place.

She could almost taste the special treats that her humans, the Millers, always gave her on her birthday. The way they’d look at her with that special, soft light in their eyes made her heart swell with love. She was their dog, their constant companion.

As the day unfolded, however, a strange undercurrent of tension began to ripple through the house. The Millers seemed quieter, their smiles less genuine. There were hushed conversations in corners, and an unfamiliar sadness in their eyes. Suli tilted her head, confused. Had she done something wrong?

Then came the words. They were soft, but they pierced her heart like a sharp knife. The Millers couldn’t keep her anymore. The world, which had been painted in vibrant colors, suddenly turned to shades of gray. They couldn’t afford her, they said. The words echoed in her mind, a haunting melody of loss.

She was their family, she thought. How could family be discarded like an old toy? Her tail, once a symbol of joy, now drooped lifelessly. The world seemed to spin, and with it, her sense of security. The house, once a haven, suddenly felt like a cold, empty space.

As the day wore on, Suli retreated to her bed. The world outside seemed irrelevant. The happy birthday she had anticipated turned into a nightmare. She missed the warmth of their hands, the sound of their laughter, the comforting rhythm of their lives.

The future was a dark, uncertain path. A path that led back to the shelter, a place of loneliness and fear. She closed her eyes, hoping to wake up from this terrible dream, hoping to find herself back in the arms of her loving family. But the reality was harsh and unforgiving. Her sixth birthday had become a day of heartbreak, a day that marked the beginning of a new, uncertain chapter in her life.

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