The vernix caseosa is a protective layer on the baby’s skin. It is white in color and has a texture similar to that of soft cheese. Fetal sebum develops while the baby is still in the womb, and pieces of it remain attached to the baby’s skin after birth.
The vernix caseosa serves several important purposes. Firstly, it protects the baby’s delicate skin from the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus in the womb. Additionally, it contributes to the baby’s skin being ѕmootһ and soft after birth. The vernix caseosa also helps protect the baby’s skin from infections while in the womb.
As the time of delivery approaches, the amount of fetal sebum decreases. It is normal for some amount of vernix caseosa to be found on the baby even after delivery. Premature babies may have even more vernix caseosa, while babies born later may have none at all.
The benefits of fetal sebum extend beyond pregnancy. Keeping the vernix caseosa on the baby’s skin as much as possible is beneficial during and after birth. Here are some benefits of fetal sebum:
1. Anti-bacterial properties: Vernix caseosa has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which help protect the baby from infections after birth.
2. Facilitates birth: The layer of vernix caseosa covering the baby’s skin helps the baby pass through the birth canal due to its texture.
3. Temperature regulation: Fetal sebum helps the baby maintain a constant body temperature, as it stabilizes their body temperature after birth.
4. Skin moisturization: Fetal sebum moisturizes the baby’s skin, making it softer after birth and protecting it from dryness.
Regarding photos of babies with fetal sebum, birth photos capturing the moments immediately after birth, while the baby still has the vernix caseosa, have become popular in recent years. Many couples hire professional photographers to сарtᴜгe these special moments of childbirth.