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The poignant reunion: This military dog, trained and deployed into the battlefield for over 11 years, finally met its owner again. The warm embraces and tears of joy touched the hearts of millions of people in the United States

In the realm of heartwarming tales, there are few stories as touching as the reunion between a loyal military dog and its owner after years of separation….

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The M61 Vulcan Gatling is a cannon capable of firing up to 6,000 rounds per minute

The “Gatliпg ɡᴜп oп Steroids” comparisoп highlights the M61’s foгmіdаЬɩe fігeрoweг aпd rate of fігe. Like the Gatliпg ɡᴜп, the M61 featυres mυltiple barrels that гotаte aпd…

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The Eurocopter EC725 is generally considered more capable and modern than the Caracal multirole helicopter. Is that true?

Basically, EC725 is the further development of Eurocopter AS532 Cougar, improving upon the design with a five-blade composite main rotor incorporating a new airfoil shape to reduce…