Starving Dog Found in a Small Kennel Ate Anything to Survive Abandonment-dubi

Starving Dog Found in a Small Kennel Ate Anything to Survive Abandonment-dubi

Imagine running into a dog lying helplessly in a small kennel on a freezing day. That’s pretty much what life has been like for Prima, who was abandoned by her owners in the winter.

This doggo girl was extremely emaciated and ate anything she could find to survive, which led to almost fatal consequences.

When found, Prima was only days away from the point of no return. Her condition was much more serious than first expected, and timely treatment was her only hope.

Found In Horrible Shape

Abandoned dog laying in the box
Source: Corridor Rescue Inc.

Jannel and Robby, two volunteers from Houston, Texas, found Prima on their regular stroll through a local park, where they had been feeding dumped animals. She was lying in one of the “houses” Corridor Rescue had put out for stray animals during the winter.

As Jannel looked closer, she noticed that Prima didn’t look like an ordinary dog. Her stomach was bloated, and she could barely move, so they immediately rushed to investigate.

As they approached her kennel, they noticed that Prima was extremely skinny. Her spine was visible, and her swollen belly was possibly the result of progressed heartworm disease. The volunteers offered her some food and water, which she took with some hesitation.

“This girl was starved to the point that when she was dumped she ate anything she came across and continued to eat,” Corridor Rescue wrote in a Facebook post.

Skinny dog eating food
Source: Corridor Rescue Inc.

Knowing that Prima would probably not make it on her own, they immediately contacted Corridor Rescue, who agreed to take in the poor girl.

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