Spreading Love: 12-Year-Old’s Dedication to Conjoined Twin Sibling Goes Viral

You foreign.

Most parents are familiar with two types of twins:

Fratano and identical twins.

But if you find the concept of two identical people strange, wait until you hear about these even rarer types of twins.

There are some fraternal siblings who are just a bit stranger than the rest, and then there are twins that seriously defy nature, either by sharing the same strange birth defect or existing in a way that 21st century doctors didn’t think it was possible.

These are unique and unusual types of twins that are not commonly encountered where one looks older than the other and no one believes they all share the same birthday.

The ending: she’s the mother to these two children.

She says these two children are twins.

They were born the same day and this means they have the same age, but according to their appearances, one can realize there’s something wrong that happened to the other, because it’s hard to believe that they are really twins.

She says it always takes up too much time explaining to people that these are twins, but people cannot just believe that these children have the same years.

Surprisingly, this one whom they’re lifting is the one who was born first.

It means he’s lifted by her young twin sister.

Their mother takes time in explaining to us this mastery.

She got pregnant as usual and never had a problem during pregnancy.

Time came after nine months and she gave birth to twins.

They both seemed to be healthy, but this one grew different.

I mean he was not growing like the other twin sister.

The twin brother did not evolve.

Let’s call it that way.

He remains looking like a baby, yet he’s 12 years of age.

He’s physically weak, unlike the other sister, the young sister grew.

She reached the crawling stage, started crawling and then later started walking while the other remained this way.

He cannot see it, he cannot stand and of course he cannot walk.

One grew and does different home activities here so as to help her parents and the other’s body.

Condition remains a mystery that even 21 century professional doctors cannot explain why their mother says.

Instead of growing up, this child’s body went on developing strange signs like the body organs not functioning and his body slowly turning stiff into a tree.

It’s hard for this little boy to stretch any of the arms or the legs.

After being shocked by the baby’s body, all they did was go to hospitals, but to their disappointment, doctors say they could not diagnose and find what the boy is really suffering from.

All they said was that the baby was testing negative to all diseases, but the young boy kept becoming ill and this healthy abnormality seems not to stop but continues making him feel worse.

And the mother adds that they never had enough money for them to keep visiting other hospitals.

She says if they had enough money she would have visited more advanced hospitals for the boy’s diagnosis, but poverty became a big obstacle towards the child’s treatment.

She is now worried about the future of this baby, since his body is not growing and it has affected somebody, part of this little baby from functioning.

These two children all have 12 years old.

They were all born in 2009..

The young twin goes to school and the other remains home.

Since his body never grows and he cannot even talk.

The one who goes to school is currently in primary five.

If it was not for this illness, that would be in the same class and this would be a different story.

Their mother is struggling to raise this young boy, who cannot even throw food, and since she does not have enough for treatment, she says she last took him to the hospital seven years ago when they all had five years of age.

The mother says she’s becoming more worried and has lost her because she has no way and no any other means of solving her little son’s situation.

To her.

She does not see the future of her disabled baby.

She says only God can intervene and do a miracle.

She’s patiently, especially neighbors who have always shown their care and always phone time of checking on them and even supporting with the little they had.

But because of the baby’s body condition that he never got healed, they got tired of always coming here daily.

Yet the young boy was not even showing recovery signs.

So they decided not to come back here, since they have other children to look after and life in this village is very difficult.

She says there’s no how they can afford medicine to their child and that’s the reason why she’s requesting anyone who can feel they want to bless this family and help them get money for that disabled young boy’s treatment.

She also says that due to malnutrition, the boy’s fingers are turning great and the feet also turning big because of poor feeding, and one of the problems the mother highlights is that they need food support so as to avoid malnutrition.

Due to the boy’s rare condition, communicating with him is a problem.

You can’t know whether he’s happy, you can’t know whether he needs to urinate or even defecate.

It’s a big problem to the mother and the mother has to always check on him and make sure he’s cleaned.

They have to make sure and know whether the boy is hungry and give him food.

They have to make sure i know each and everything on his behalf, since the mother needs advanced treatment of her son, who does not grow but goes on turning into a tree while having almost all organs not functioning.

We can help and solve the child’s health condition by donating a Gofundme campaign’s link found in description and pinned in top comments.

Everything in life happens for a reason, and that reason is only known to God.

So keep your faith strong in him and always stay hopeful.

Humans are made to struggle and suffer, so it’s only natural for us to rise up right after falling down.

Have faith in yourself.

Sometimes in life one feels that all doors are closed when that happens in your life.

Remember the word: a closed door isn’t always locked.

Thank you for watching.

I’m Elijah, and this is afromax english.

Remember to subscribe you.


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