Seeking love and human warmth, this dog offers his paw to everyone who walks by his cage-pvth

Speck will get his happy ending, but plenty of loving dogs just like him do not. Left to languish in shelters in favor of “designer dogs” and purebreds, these loving canines never get the chance they deserve at a real life or home.

Just look at Speck — this sweet and loving boy sat in a shelter for over a year, being passed by day after day until a viral video broke hearts around the world.



Each time someone would walk by his kennel, Speck pushed his adorable face between the bars to get a pet on the nose.

He would also reach his little paw out hoping to get someone to hold his hand.



Despite scars on his face indicating a rough start to live, Speck is entirely trusting of humans.

“All he wants is people love,” Desiray Miracle-Wilder, the shelter’s director, told The Dodo. “He will reach his little hand out and he just wants you to touch him and hold his hand. And he’s so sad when you walk off to finish cleaning or whatever you have to do.”



Speck spent a year and a half at an Alabama shelter, just reaching out and trying to touch everyone who walked by. Amazingly, there were no takers.



And while he’s fine around other animals, it’s people’s attention he really craves.

“You could put anything else around him — another giant dog, a cat, but he is just so fixated on getting love from people that he doesn’t care about anything else,” Wilder said.

“He just wants you to touch him,” she added. “If you sit down, he’s laying on you, if you hold his hand, he’ll hold your hand, if you scratch his belly, he’ll roll over.”

Early in April, Wilder couldn’t take it anymore — she needed to find a home for this worthy boy (she has dozens of foster animals herself but still makes time to play with Speck).

That’s when she got the idea to take a short video of the good boy’s adorable habit.



The amount of effort Speck goes through just to get a little attention hurts our hearts, but we’re happy to see him getting some love.

Thankfully, Speck’s video caught the attention of another Alabama shelter, one that specializes in placing unwanted dogs.

Allie’s Hope For Paws Dog Rescue almost immediately found him a home!

“He will be running on a 26-acre farm with Mike, his family and two fur brothers!” Wilder wrote on Facebook. “We are so excited. Not only did Speck get adopted due to this video of his cuteness but he also helped a few other fur babies get rescued and he got us some food donations!”



Wilder posted the video on April 2, 2020, and by April 5, 2020, Speck had a new place to live lined up!

And, even better, the video raised enough awareness of the shelter that other animals got placed as well!



Unfortunately, the coronavirus is making Speck’s trip to his new home in New York a bit difficult. As of April 9, 2020 the rescue was still looking for truckers or any other volunteers making other necessary trips up north to help get this pup home.

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