The emotional story of Puddles, the puppy found in a collapsed septic drain, adopted by a kind-hearted officer-dvh

The emotional story of Puddles, the puppy found in a collapsed septic drain, adopted by a kind-hearted officer-dvh


Un final perfecto para Puddles.

A puppy found trapped in a collapsed septic drain has been adopted by the police officer who discovered him. Deputies were working in St. Lucie County, Florida, US, when they heard the puppy’s distressed screams. Following the sounds, they arrived at an empty lot, where the puppy was in real danger. The puppy became nervous when he saw them approaching, so the officers had to use a capture stick to remove the animal. The dog was so exhausted from constantly fighting that his hind legs temporarily stopped working.

Staff at the local Humane Society stepped in to clean up the puppy, who was appropriately named Puddles, and was soon walking normally again. After several baths and a routine neuter and vaccination, Puddles was ready for a new start. The police officers involved put up fliers in the neighborhood to try to locate the owner, but to no avail.

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But maybe this was for the best: One of the police officers involved, Officer James Gettings, had fallen in love. Puddles has now joined his family, which includes his wife Rachael, his daughter Evelyn and a Basset Hound named Lacie.

A perfect ending for Puddles.

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