.Meet the African-American child supermodel known as the ‘Black Pearl’ who is popular with fashion brands

p30-8 The child star is now so big. Were you a child star? Do you know how hard it is to be a child star? Do you know how hard it is to be a child star when you’re actively TRYING to become a child star? Well, if you don’t know the answer to that question, let me tell you – it’s HARD. So do you know how big of a deal and how rare it was that out of the blue, some five year old girl that wasn’t even planning or trying to become a child star all of a sudden got discovered and thrown into the world’s limelight with a very huge title put on her very young head – “Most Beautiful Girl in The World.” If you don’t know who I’m talking about, I’m talking about Jare Ijalana, the five year old beauty who was discovered after a photoshoot of her went viral.

I saw a picture of her recently and I got to asking – ah ah, how is Jare? How is she today? How does she even look now? If you’re like me and also curious to see, then you’ve come to the right place because not only has Jare grown up, she looks VERY different from the last time we saw her.

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Young Jare Ijalana had her life changed forever when two years ago, at the age of four years old, wedding photographer, Mofe Bamuyiwa, took some lovely pictures of Jare and her two sisters, Jomi and Joba.

Overnight the pictures went viral and although all three sisters got a lot of love for their pictures, Jare was the one who stood out the most and instantly became an overnight sensation. Her picture was circulated everywhere and social media influencers, celebrities, and blogs – everybody couldn’t stop talking about her and gasping about her beautiful she looked. The discourse was of course elevated because of the fact that Jare is a young black girl who was rocking an afro in the pictures. Yahoo Lifestyle branded her “The Most Beautiful Girl In The World”. It was a big moment in culture. She was all over the news.

Seeing how successful the picture became and seeing the potential in the sisters, the photographer Mofe Bamuyiwa convinced Jare’s parents to open an Instagram account for her and her sister. This turned out to be a very good move and very quickly, their joint Instagram account @the_j3_sisters amassed over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND followers!


Since then, the sisters have gone on to do amazing things. Jare specifically has become more or less a socialite and model appearing on the cover of multiple magazines, and walking at prestigious fashion shows. All at the young age of 7.

The photographer who started all of this for her, Mofe Bamuyiwa, has said that she intends on taking pictures of Jare and her sisters throughout their life. This way, we would have a pictorial journey of a young Nigerian woman’s life, and I must say, that sounds like a project I’d be willing to see.

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