I’ve been in the shelter for 5 years watching my friends get adopted. Today is my birthday and still no one wants to adopt me – luantrum27

Futi was a shadow in the shelter, a fading memory of a life once lived. Five years had transformed the playful puppy into a weary old soul. The constant barking, the smell of disinfectant, and the cold, hard kennel had become his world. Today, his fifth birthday, was no different from any other.

He remembered a time when his tail was a constant blur, his barks filled with joy. But those days were a distant echo, lost in the labyrinth of time spent behind bars. Now, his movements were slow, his spirit subdued. He’d learned the art of patience, of waiting, of hoping. But hope, like a flickering candle in a storm, was often extinguished by the harsh reality of the shelter.

The day passed in a monotonous rhythm. People came and went, their eyes scanning the rows of kennels, but none lingered by his. Futi watched them with a mixture of hope and resignation. Perhaps today would be different, a foolish thought, but one that kept him going.

As the day drew to a close, the shelter fell into a quietude broken only by the soft padding of paws and the occasional whimper. Futi curled up in his kennel, his body a worn-out vessel of a once vibrant spirit. He thought of the countless birthdays spent in this place, each one a marker of time slipping away. As sleep claimed him, he dreamed of a home, a soft bed, and the warmth of human companionship. But when he woke, the harsh reality of the shelter would be waiting, and the cycle would begin anew.

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