In the darkness of abandonment: A desperate dog’s heartbreaking plea in the middle of a convoy of rescue vehicles, efforts pay off

Several pictures of a dog pursuing a squad of troops on patrol and pleading with them to “join” have recently gone viral on social media. The image quickly gained popularity online in several nations, including Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, and Japan. The story behind this lovely incident has piqued the interest of online users.

Recent days have seen a social media frenzy over a string of pictures depicting a dog urging troops on patrol to “join” by following them. In a number of nations, including Korea, Japan, Thailand, and even Vietnam, the picture quickly went viral. Internet users are curious to know the story behind this enjoyable occurrence.

Some online users shared the story, believing it to be the story of a dog that was stumbling along the street when they noticed troops passing by and decided to carry out the mission.

Truth be told, according to the Los Tiempos page, this is a series of pictures that photographer Luis Fernando Chumacero luckily took on the streets of Tupiza, Bolivia during the quarantine days against the sickness. The army was driven in the van while on patrol, making sure everyone was following the rules.

Actually, this is a series of pictures that were happily taken by photographer Luis Fernando Chumacero on the streets of Tupiza, Bolivia during the quarantine days against the virus, according to the page Los Tiempos. The army was driven in the van while on patrol, making sure everyone was following the rules.

And the sweet dog, who goes by the name of Gorda, is a pet in the barracks rather than prowling the streets.Dogs are adopted by each unit, and they live and train with the regiment’s troops. Gorda is a division’s mascot, according to Colonel Luis Pachecho, Director of the Department of Army Logistics IV. Gorda pursued him after the Covid-19 epidemic began after witnessing the soldiers patrolling the area to combat it. When they noticed how fervently he wanted to follow, the soldiers in the car picked up his “brother” and followed him. The incredible event was accidently recorded by the photographer’s camera.

As soon as Gorda was in the vehicle, another gray dog sprinted over and leaped in. The canine that represents another division is called Multicam.

The image of the two dogs was edited throughout the conversation. Internet users must concur that both dogs are really cute and have made people happy despite the busy epidemic season.

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