In a heartfelt moment, a dog owner bids farewell to his beloved companion, affectionately referring to him as ‘his son’, showcasing the deep bond they shared.

Dog Owner Bids Goodbye To ‘His Son’ In Heartbreaking Moment

Most of us have a strong attachment and affection for our dogs, thus it might be a heartbreaking tragedy if they were lost forever. It is even akin to the loss of a loved one or a close friend.

The most difficult aspect of losing someone is not saying goodbye, but going on with our lives without them. Especially when you lose someone you’ve known for a long time as a family member and closest friend.

Merv Tolentino Dumanat, a Facebook user, told his sorrowful experience about his dog. Shadow, his Siberian husky, was diagnosed with a blood condition that took his life. Shadow will purportedly reach six years old this November, according to Merv. He has been Merv’s buddy and travel partner for 6 years.

The dog owner appeared to be struggling to let go as he said his final goodbyes and hugged his canine. Everyone feels the agony as he says his final goodbye. He laid his beloved pet to rest in Pet Valley Park and Crematory. Through the comments area, netizens expressed their sympathies to the bereaved pet owner.

This man loved his dog so much that he never left its side until the end. Have you ever had a similar experience? Are you an animal lover as well?

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