Once upon a time, there was an adorable canine named Nina who had a heartbreaking past. Sadly, she was discovered in a state of near-death due to severe malnutrition and eye problems. It seems that she must have been utilized for breeding and selling her puppies because they neglected her so much. However, those days are long gone now, and Nina is thriving and happy! When the kind folks at ThisisHouston found her, they immediately took her to the vet and got her treatment to remove her damaged eyes. Although it was challenging for her initially, Nina’s mood and attitude improved with time, and she became a joyful canine.
Things were starting to improve for the tiny canine, but her spirits were crushed after undergoing two tests with two separate households, and not being chosen by either. Nevertheless, there’s a saying that goes “third time’s a charm,” and as it turns out, every story has a happy conclusion.
A canine named Nina was saved from a dire situation when she was discovered on a bridge in Rosenberg, Texas by an animal rescue group known as ThisisHouston. Observers of the dog were too scared to get near her since she lay there emaciated and seemingly lifeless. As such, they contacted a rescuer to investigate the matter.
Nina’s condition was a clear indication of severe malnutrition. Her eyes were teeming with cloth and infected, which was alarming. However, what surprised the rescuers the most was their initial belief that Nina had been sterilized. Upon further examination, they realized that she had likely been exploited to bear multiple children. Instead of seeking medical help for her illness, the people responsible for her care decided to dump her on a bridge and abandon her.
The pooch was extremely underweight and unwell, which resulted in her needing to have her eyes removed because of an infection. However, within a mere 60 days, there was a significant change in her overall condition. The volunteers who tended to her were deeply moved by her unwavering spirit and determination.
Nina found a loving family that took good care of her, just like a foster family. Their affection played a crucial role in her desire to succeed. Despite her stubbornness, they loved this furry friend unconditionally. It was the perfect home for Nina.