Heartwarming Tale: Dog’s Unwavering Loyalty to Ailing Human Mother

Dogs are, without question, the most loyal creatures on Earth. And this unconditional love and loyalty is proved once again by a photo that recently won the internet – a service dog refusing to leave her mom’s hospital room.

When Shauna Darcy first got Ruby, she got her as a service dog to help her cope with her anxiety, depression, and agoraphobia. From the very beginning, Ruby proved to be a wonderful service dog and companion – and it was clear there was no limit to Ruby’s devotion. And the lovely pup has proved to be more than a service dog. When Shauna got Ruby, she won a friend, a true friend!

“While she was training to be a service dog I noticed that she started picking up on changes in my heart rate and would act funny,” Shauna told. “For example, paw at me, try to get my attention, get on top of me [and other stuff like that].”

Choosing to listen to Ruby’s cues, Shauna went to see a doctor and quickly learned that she was experiencing health issues she hadn’t known about, including a rare heart condition called ᴠᴀsᴄᴜʟᴀʀ Eʜʟᴇʀs-Dᴀɴʟᴏs syndrome. Ruby had already known something was wrong even before Shauna did, and as a service dog, she quickly switched focus to Shauna’s cardiac issues.

In other terms, Ruby is more like a guardian angel for Shauna. She’s there for her adoptive mom, every single moment. And her daily routine includes monitoring Shauna’s b.l.oo.d pressure and heart rate. More than that, this special also helps her human companion during her panic ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋs, she carries groceries or picks dropped items.

The faithful pooch hopped onto the ambulance and watched over its own like the guardian angel it is while they were both transported to Daqing People’s Hospital.

When the pair arrived at the hospital, doctors let the loyal dog sit outside the treatment room. We can’t take this for much longer. They reported that as soon as the woman was conscious, the first thing that came out of her mouth was the name of her beloved pet. We’re happy to know they feel the same way about each other. And like her true companion, the dog came dashing towards its owner, elated that she has recovered.

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