The story of Thor the dog is a tale of both resilience and kindness. Thor’s owner, Adriano Bertoline, discovered his beloved dog impaled…
The story of Thor the dog is a tale of both resilience and kindness. Thor’s owner, Adriano Bertoline, discovered his beloved dog impaled with hundreds of porcupine quills in Sao Paulo, Brazil. With no means to pay for veterinary treatment, Adriano turned to the internet for help.
Thankfully, Dr. Jose Roberto Apolari, a local councilman, stepped in to aid in Thor’s recovery. Despite being unemployed and having four children at home, Adriano was able to find help in the form of a kind-hearted stranger.
Thor, who was three years old at the time, had reportedly fought a porcupine for the second time in a year. After Adriano’s online appeal, Dr. Apolari noticed the request and decided to help transport Thor to a clinic and cover some of the expenses.
Adriano expressed his gratitude on social media, saying, “Dr. Apolari was an angel in my dog’s life because I couldn’t afford a private veterinarian.” With the councilman’s help, Thor was able to receive the care he needed and was returned home to his loving owner.
While the condition of the porcupine after the altercation with Thor is unknown, this story serves as a reminder of the importance of kindness and compassion towards animals. Even in difficult circumstances, there are those willing to lend a helping hand.
In the end, Thor’s story is one of hope and resilience, showing that even in the face of hardship, there is always a chance for recovery and healing.