Heartbreaking Rescue: Stray Pup Found Surviving on Trash, Covered in Over 100 Stickers – You Won’t Believe His Transformation!-dtht

To be quite honest with you, I can hardly imagine what it must feel like to be a stray dog.

A stray dog’s life is all about roaming around the harsh and dangerous streets, looking for shelter, and sorting through trash, hoping to find something to eat.

And it’s heartbreaking!

Luckily, there are some incredible hoomans, such as Suzette Hall, founder of a Californian rescue organization named Logan’s Legacy, who do everything in their power to rescue these animals and provide them with the life they truly deserve.

That’s exactly what today’s story is all about.

Rescue Mission

stray puppystray puppy
Source: Suzette Hall

When Hall received numerous phone calls from concerned hoomans about a puppy who mysteriously appeared in their neighborhood, the Californian rescuer got in her car and immediately made her way down to the location.

Since Mary Nakiso, one of her rescue colleagues, was closer to the location, Hall called her and asked if she could go to the neighborhood and ensure the pup didn’t run away.

Luckily, when Nakiso arrived, the pup was exactly where the neighbors said he was.

One of the hoomans who contacted them in the first place offered the rescuers a helping hand and allowed them to use their yard in order to catch the poor guy.

This was super helpful for Hall and Nakiso as they managed to catch the pup within minutes.

Slipping a lead around his head, the pup was carefully taken into their car and drove to the Camino Pet Hospital.

While they were on their way, Hall noticed how bad the condition of the pup was.

His overgrown and dirty fur was completely covered in stickers. Hall could only imagine how painful it was for him to walk around or even lay down with them matted into his fur.


injured stray puppy

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