He begged strangers to stop and caress him on the street, pleading with them not to leave him there alone.-dvh

He begged strangers to stop and caress him on the street, pleading with them not to leave him there alone.-dvh

This poor street dog reaction to strangers who stopped to pet him!! It’s as if he’s saying, “I’m a nice one, dog!” Don’t leave just yet…

He is no longer a street dog, thanks to the wonderful ladies, who called Fahrudin Caki Bravo and help to rescue this street boy. Nothing in the world is more wonderful than this sensation. Nothing at all!

After 6 days Fahrudin Caki Bravo did his best to make sure the big kind gentleman finds his home and forgets about his life on the street!

He will receive his first vaccines against infectious diseases in 5 days!

“Thank you to everyone who can help pay for the vaccines, decent food, and lodging for this group!” Fahrudin Caki Bravo said

The big kind boy now happy in forever home in EU. He is no longer a street boy, but rather a happy boy who receives complete care and affection from his new family. He deserve the happy life forever!

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