Ever wanted to see Jason Statham beat up a guy with a plate? You need to watch Safe

Ever wanted to see Jason Statham beat up a guy with a plate? You need to watch Safe

Ever wanted to see Jason Statham beat up a guy with a plate? You need to watch Safe

If you’re a fan of action movies, then you’ve probably seen Jason Statham in a few of his most popular films, such as The Transporter, Crank, and The Expendables. Statham is known for his tough-guy persona and his ability to perform his own stunts. But he’s also shown that he can be a versatile actor, taking on more dramatic roles in films like Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch.

Jason Statham Safe Black Coat - J4Jacket

In 2012, Statham starred in a film called Safe, which is a bit of a departure from his usual action fare. The film is more of a thriller, with Statham playing an ex-cop who is hired to protect a young girl from a group of Triad gangsters. The film also stars Catherine Chan, James Hong, and Robert John Burke.

Safe is a solid action-thriller with plenty of suspense and excitement. Statham is once again in top form, and he’s well-matched by Chan. The film also has some great action sequences, including a memorable fight scene in which Statham beats up a guy with a plate.

If you’re looking for a fun and action-packed movie to watch, then I highly recommend Safe. It’s a great film for fans of Jason Statham, and it’s also a good choice for anyone who enjoys action-thrillers.

Here are some of the things that critics liked about the film:

Safe (2012) - IMDb

  • Jason Statham’s performance: Statham is once again in top form, and he’s well-matched by Catherine Chan.
  • The action sequences: The film has some great action sequences, including a memorable fight scene in which Statham beats up a guy with a plate.
  • The suspense: The film is full of suspense and excitement, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Overall, Safe is a solid action-thriller that is well worth watching. If you’re a fan of Jason Statham, or if you just enjoy action-thrillers, then I highly recommend checking it out.

Safe (2012) - IMDb

Here are some additional details about the film:

  • Directed by: Boaz Yakin
  • Written by: David McKenna
  • Produced by: Andrew G. LaMarca, Michael De Luca, and Boaz Yakin
  • Starring: Jason Statham, Catherine Chan, James Hong, and Robert John Burke
  • Release date: April 27, 2012
  • Running time: 94 minutes
  • Rating: R for violence and strong language

I hope you enjoyed this review of Safe. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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