Each day, a golden retriever puppy lovingly helps guide a blind older dog through the world-dubi

Senior Golden Retriever Tao and his mother Melanie Jackson have lived long and happy lives together. Tao is a stunning dog. The twelve-year-old dog had been living a great life until he was diagnosed with glaucoma and lost his vision a year ago.

But just when Tao was about to quit up, a tiny light beam emerged and drastically altered his life. When Tao, Jackson’s cherished dog, suddenly began exhibiting symptoms of discomfort, she immediately took him to the vet. After the ache had only been going for a few hours, Tao completely lost vision in one of his eyes and began shaking his head as though in pain.

The veterinarian found Tao had glaucoma and had to remove his blind eye a disorder that results in fluid accumulating inside the eye, raising intraocular pressure, and causing pain, redness, and vision loss. Tao, regrettably, had bilateral glaucoma, a condition that can harm one or both eyes.

Due to intense pressure, Tao’s other eye had to be removed, and his surviving eye had to be replaced. Jackson worried for her adorable child. Tao’s continued happiness is surprising given that he has lost the most vital part of his body. That’s because he was confident that his family wouldn’t desert him.

Oko is an eight-week-old Golden retriever puppy with a happy disposition and a pure heart. Jackson recognized the puppy as the kind of vivacious friend Tao needed since it oozed love and joy.

As was to be expected, Tao had an instant connection with the adorable, fluffy ball of fur that seemed to follow his every move.

Soon Tao and Oko were eating, sleeping, playing, and cuddling together as one. They made each other incredibly happy and were obviously the ideal couple.

With Oko by his side, he could fully appreciate and capitalize on his newfound vigor and love of life. Since he was no longer in agony, He felt and appeared to be several years younger.

Currently, Oko serves as Tao’s own personal seeing-eye dog. When they are out and about, Tao has trained to be close to Oko because he knows he can keep him safe and on course.

Jackson is ensuring that Oko fulfills his obligations and avoids getting Tao into trouble because he is still energetic and playful little puppy.

Jackson said: “Tao is being trained to follow Oko’s scent and Oko to listen and respond to my directions to “stop, wait, go right, go left.”

In an effort to determine what genes were responsible for Tao’s glaucoma, Jackson has started bringing attention to canine glaucoma.

We are overjoyed for the two golden retrievers since it is clear from every picture how much they love and value one another. Let’s wish for the best for them! Thanks to Oko, Tao has had a lot of love, happiness, and adventure, and we know he will always be grateful to his mother for bringing him into their lives.

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