Anubis descubre un nuevo comienzo con una familia cariñosa y afectuosa después de años de pérdida. ‎- luantrum27

Anubis descubre un nuevo comienzo con una familia cariñosa y afectuosa después de años de pérdida. ‎- luantrum27

Anubis, a dog from Cairo, Egypt, has endured more challenges and hardships than most dogs. From his early days, he served as a guard dog, tied up at the entrance of a property, barking incessantly out of boredom and duty to protect.

He was barking incessantly, so his owners decided to remove his muzzle. A volunteer from the SNARR organization, Lauren Connelly, recalls the cruelty of Anubis’ previous family in the following way.

The owners, annoyed by his persistent barking, cruelly harmed the dog they had employed for protection. Somehow, he managed to escape and survive, against all odds. From then on, Anubis lived a wandering life on the streets of Cairo, fending for himself, scavenging for food, and evading other dogs.

However, fate had something else in store for him. Anubis was eventually rescued by the Animal Protection Foundation, a local organization dedicated to animal welfare. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

The pieces are finally coming together for the dog in need as SNARR steps in to help. Lauren Connelly, a member of the organization, shared with The Dodo website that their main objective is to rescue animals from a difficult situation. They have already brought several animals from Egypt to the United States where they can receive proper care, as these animals had no hope of a decent life in their home country.

Anubis is beginning a fresh chapter in his life as he settles in with his new long-term host family, courtesy of SNARR. Despite the challenges he faces with eating because of his injury, he has developed a unique tilted head technique over the years. He quickly bonded with his new four-legged housemate, a blind dog that had also been saved from the streets.

Anubis has found a temporary home with a loving family in El Paso, Texas, who plan to care for him for at least six months. However, it seems that their bond is so strong that it’s very possible Anubis may end up staying with them permanently!

After going through so much hardship, this unfortunate pup has finally found happiness with his new forever family. Here’s to wishing him all the best in his new home!

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