After being rescued, the grateful husky expressed his deep appreciation with an affectionate kiss to the firefighter who bravely saved him from danger. ‎

After being rescued, the grateful husky expressed his deep appreciation with an affectionate kiss to the firefighter who bravely saved him from danger. ‎

After being rescued, the grateful husky expressed his deep appreciation with an affectionate kiss to the firefighter who bravely saved him from danger. ‎

Firefighters risk their own life to save ours. And it’s not only humans they’re helping, but animals as well. So, if humans are so grateful to these true heros, a dog cannot be different. This rescue pup in Maine chose the cutest way to show his appreciation to the firefighters that saved his life. And the moment is absolutely heartwarming.

Wells Fire Department

Some passerby spotted a Husky stuck on the roof of a house, so they immediately called the authorities. Shortly after, captain Jeff Nawfel, from the Wells Police Department, Maine arrived at the scene. It did take too long for the experienced first responder to handle the situation. After a few minutes he safely managed to take the trapped dog down.

Wells Fire Department

“The dog was pacing back and forth on the overhang over the porch,” captain Nawfel told InsideEdition. “It didn’t look very distressed.” However, the dog left everyone there completely speechless with the way he thanked captain Nawfel. He showed his appreciation to his rescuer with a big kiss. Thankfully, the tender moment was caught on camera and the adorable snaps were, then shared on social media.

Wells Fire Department

“This beautiful dog managed to get out onto the roof of his home thru an upstairs window. We received numerous calls…” Wells Maine Police wrote on Facebook. “Officer McDonald, in conjunction with the Wells Fire Department, worked together to rescue him! Thank you to all that called and helped save him.” According to the fire department, the unlucky pup got on the roof through an open window.

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