A sad dog cries nonstop upon discovering he’s been left alone without his brother ‎

As the old saying goes, “Everyone else on Earth can turn their back on you, but never your dog.” This is why dogs are often referred to as man’s best friend; they will never abandon you and will always hold you dear.

AJ, a 6-year-old dog who has shared both the joys and sorrows of life with his owner, found himself in great distress when he and his canine companion, Tony, were handed over to the Carson Animal Shelter in California.

The sense of betrayal weighed heavily on this pitbull/Labrador Retriever mix. In a heart-wrenching video, AJ can be seen softly whimpering, tears streaming down his face. Confined to a chilly kennel, he is acutely aware that he is no longer wanted.

Shelter staff describe AJ as an exceptionally endearing pup with boundless energy. He and his brother, Tony, navigate the shelter side by side, their anxiety palpable.

While the shelter worker’s soothing words attempt to comfort AJ, his cries of anguish and bewilderment persist.

The Carson Animal Shelter’s Facebook page reveals the heartbreaking reason for AJ and Tony’s abandonment: “My former family had to give me up because they couldn’t afford the care I require.”

Following the viral video, numerous individuals stepped forward, eager to adopt AJ and provide him with the loving home he so deserves. AJ’s tears turned into joyful laughter.

In February, a loving family adopted AJ and Tony together, ensuring that they would not be separated.

This heartrending story serves as a poignant reminder that when you choose to adopt a dog, it comes with the responsibility of unwavering dedication and commitment. We hope that no other dogs will have to endure the same hardships that AJ and Tony did

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