A homeless dog visits the police department for a day and ends up staying forever.dvh

Bolo, a 3-year-old pit bull puppy, was only supposed to spend a day at the Hopkinsville Police Department. But his brief stay turned into a permanent residence as he won over the hearts of everyone he crossed paths with.

Shelter Pit Bull Gets One-Day Visit to Police Department, Now He’s Their Full-Time ‘Paw Patrol Officer’ Bolo, a two-month-old shelter dog, was the first to participate in a program called “Paw Patrol Wednesdays.” Royale Marfil, a public relations officer for the Hopkinsville Police Department, started the program in mid-October to highlight a new shelter dog each week and help get them adopted.

Shelter Pit Bull Has One Day Visit To Police Department, Now Is Their Full Time ‘Paw-trol Officer’

The program was an instant hit for Bolo. Everyone at the Hopkinsville Police Department wanted to keep him from the moment he walked in.

“Once Bolo got comfortable and started playing with everyone, everyone asked, ‘Can we adopt him?’ ‘Can we keep him?’” Marfil revealed to The Dodo.

Bolo had such a good time getting to know everyone at the police department that he fell asleep on the floor of Marfil’s office.

“He just flopped down on the floor and started snoring,” she added. “He snores really loud. Watching him completely relax and fall into a deep sleep was probably my favorite part of the day.”

Bolo put his head down and started whimpering when it was time to return to the shelter. I didn’t want to leave. And no one at the police department wanted him to leave.

“I took him to Chief Newby,” Marfil said. “And he said, ‘Why not?’ ‘Let’s let him keep him.’”

Marfil came up with a plan with his coworkers. Bolo worked at the police department during the day and came home with Marfil at night.

Marfil says Bolo knew he was going to be adopted when she took him to PetSmart to get him a collar and toys.

“That’s when he really got happy,” she explained. “He knew.”

At an official ceremony in early November, officers welcomed Bolo to the team. He even received his own title: First Hopkinsville Paw Patrol Officer.

Marfil says she’s had to adjust to people coming into her office to see Bolo instead of her.

“Everyone comes into my office to say hello,” she said. “I think people forget it’s my office since Bolo has lived here.”

When Bolo has visitors, he usually gets a treat. In fact, he’s gotten used to it.

Marfil says, “He’s as greedy as a dog can be.” “If he hears any kind of wrapping rustling, no matter what it is, he’s at your feet, begging for whatever you have in your hand.”

Unlike the police dogs who work in the department, Bolo isn’t expected to do anything but be himself.

“He has the biggest smile on his face every day,” Marfil says. “He smiles at you if you pet him. If you’re having a rough day, he’ll make you smile.”

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