A gut-wrenching scene emerges as a cherished cat writhes in agony, its desperate cries echoing through the air, ensnared in the cruel embrace of sharp thorns-pvth


Animal Planet Adriano Bertoline

Why on earth did a dog approach a porcupine without fear? There is a dog that fearlessly attacked a porcupine covered in sharp thorns and ended up with hundreds of thorns stuck in its face.

The story is this. Adriano Bertoline, a butler living in Sao Paulo, Brazil, had a dog named Thor.

One peaceful day, Thor was found with hundreds of thorns densely packed around his face, forehead, nose, ears, and legs.

When the butler saw Thor, he couldn’t hide his shock. In a word, it was horrible. Thor, a dog with yellow thorns stuck all over his face and body, centered around his mouth.


Animal Planet Adriano Bertoline

The surprised butler didn’t know what to do. The reason was that the butler Adrian Bertoline was unemployed and could not afford to take Thor to the vet for treatment.

In the end, he had no choice but to appeal to people through his SNS for help in treating his dog Thor. It was the only thing he could do.

At that moment, local council member Jose Roberto Apolari, who happened to hear about this, rolled up his sleeves and offered help.

He took Thor to the vet for treatment and paid the entire cost of treatment.


Animal Planet Adriano Bertoline

Fortunately, Thor successfully completed his treatment and recovered. Fortunately, it was not a serious problem for his life.

Last year, Thor had been bitten by a porcupine and had thorns embedded all over his body. It was reported that a friend who worked at the hospital helped him get treatment.

Thor, a dog who was beaten by a porcupine not once but twice. It is still a mystery why Thor, a dog, attacked a porcupine again even though he had been beaten by a porcupine before.

For your information, a porcupine is an animal with sharp thorns on its body like a hedgehog. The thorns are not poisonous, but since the thorns are sharp, there is a high risk of infection with bacteria if pricked by mistake, so caution is required.


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