A Brother's Tender Moment: Tears of Joy as a Young Boy Holds His Newborn Sister - Giang

A Brother’s Tender Moment: Tears of Joy as a Young Boy Holds His Newborn Sister – Giang

Some people seem to have been born to love and nurture others! Mom Ali Retelle recently welcomed a new baby girl to their family, and when her toddler son met her, it was definitely love at first sight! Thankfully for us, Ali captured the adorable first meeting on camera.

In a video, we see the little boy holding his new sister in his arms as he gazes into her tiny face. Without seeming to notice, he begins to weep, silently wiping the tears away with his arm without ever looking away from the infant.

His parents tell him he can talk to her, but she won’t talk back, and he seems delighted to know she can actually hear him. Veteran older siblings will warn him to enjoy these days before she learns to talk, but that’s not important right now.This little boy clearly has a heart of gold! Check out the video below to see why we think he’ll be an excellent big brother, and don’t forget to share.

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